Friday 22 November 2019

Dental Braces Vs Dental Implant

What are dental braces?
Dental braces are wire-based devices used in orthodontics that are used to align and straighten teeth.  It is used to correct malocclusions, crooked teeth and other flaws of jaw and teeth. It is also used to fix the gap between individual teeth. Children who suffer from a dental health problem like unaligned teeth and irregular shapes can take benefits from braces. A childdentist in Gurgaon can help your child in fixing such problems.

Types of braces
1.      Metal braces/Traditional braces

These are the traditional braces earlier used. It is metal-mounted braces that help in aligning the teeth structure. The new archwires used in these braces are heat activated and help in moving teeth quickly than in the past.

2.      Ceramic braces

Ceramic braces are of the same shape and size as metal braces the only difference is they are tooth-colored or clear braces. They easily get blended with teeth structure and color.

3.      Lingual braces

Lingual braces are the metal-mounted braces. They are of the same size and shape as traditional braces. But these braces are fixed inside of teeth, which makes them more expensive.

4.      Invisalign

It applies to normal dental problems not for serious problems. It consists of a series of 18-30 mouth guards like aligners. It is removable and has to replace every second week.
You can visit your dentist to know about braces treatment in Gurgoan for further help.
What is a dental implant?
A dental implant is a device used to support jawbone in case of missing teeth. It is titanium screw or small cylinder-like screw use that replaces the root of the tooth when it falls.  It is surgically fixed beneath the gum line in the jawbone. In the case of an adult, it is advisory to do dental implants as it is durable compared to a removable denture. Best dental implanttreatment in Gurgaon can help you in fixing your missing teeth.
Types of implant
1.      Endosteal/root form implant

The endosteal implant is done when the jawbone is aligned or in a proper or natural state. In such a case, a titanium screw is fixed in the jawbone. This is a natural or permanent type of implant. A titanium screw is used because the body takes titanium as a natural element.

2.      Subperiosteal

When the jawbone is not in a natural state or unhealthy so such a case subperiosteal type of implant is done. The implant is placed under the gum but on or above the jawbone.
Dental braces vs. Dental implant
·         Braces are made of metal or ceramic material and are glued to your teeth and fix by small rubber bands. Where the dental implant is permanently fixed in your jawbone and made of a titanium screw.
·         Braces are cheaper than a dental implant.
·         Braces need more maintenance as compare to the implant.
·         Implants can be brushed easily, just like normal teeth. But in the case of braces, extra care is needed while cleaning.
·         Braces are suitable for crooked teeth and misaligned teeth while the implant is suitable for missing teeth.

Read our Next Blog
Dental Implant Treatment in Gurgaon

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